Couple of important news on this site! So exciting!
First of all, if you did not notice, there is no need for you to remember the full complicated address from blogger Now, just remember I just want to eat! Yes, the address is:

Also, instead of a boring link on your page or blog to I Just Want To Eat!, you can now add a button that you will find in the tools section (click here).
When people click on it, they will be brought directly to this blog.
If you need a smaller size, let me know by email and I will prepare it for you!
I created a page for you so you can share with all of us your experience (click here)! To ensure a level of quality and integrity of this site, any comments will go to moderation, to avoid people who are just advertising a restaurant as well as spam and profanity!
Enjoy (we all will)!
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